Cat Pads for Dual Layer Litter Box



The ZeoDeo Cat Pads are a part of the Dual Cat Litter System, designed to offer a convenient and effective solution for cat litter management. These pads are specifically engineered to absorb urine, keeping the litter box dry and minimizing odors. Typically, a single pad is designed to last up to one week. However, the exact duration can vary, influenced by factors such as the specific type of pad chosen and the size of your cat.

People ask:

How frequently should the ZeoDeo pads be changed?

The maintenance of the Dual Litter Box System is straightforward. You should replace the ZeoDeo pads weekly for a single cat, and swap out the ZeoDeo pellets monthly. To maintain a hygienic environment that your cat will appreciate, it’s important to remove solid waste every day.